Refund Policy

At we strive our best to deliver the best quality of services possible and guarantee your satisfaction with our services and support. We constantly improve and strive to deliver the best financial services through the internet. However, in case you are not satisfied with our services, please contact us and we will correct the situation, provide a refund or offer credit that can be used for future orders, if the concern is found to be genuine.

Let us know before going for a refund

If you’re not satisfied with the service, simply email on All requests are reviewed by members of the Senior Management and personally responded within 24-48 hours.

Refund Policy

When a payment of fee is made to us, the fees paid in advance is retained in a client account. We will earn the fees upon working on a client’s matter. During an engagement, we earn fee on completion of service (i.e. after delivery of the agreed service). Refund cannot be provided for earned fee because resources and man hours spent on delivering the service are non-returnable in nature. In short, processing fees, payment gateway charges, admin fees, and cost of resources for the work done till date will be deducted. Further, we can’t refund or credit any money paid to government entities, such as filing fees or taxes, or to other third parties with a role in processing your order. Under any circumstance, we shall be liable to refund only upto the fee paid by the client as discussed above.

Refund Request

Refund request can be initiated through email. All refund requests must be made within 5 days of purchase. We will process your request within 15 to 30 business days of receiving all the information required for processing refund like reason for refund, bank details for processing request, etc.

Change of Service

If you want to change the service you ordered for a different one, you must request this change of service before delivery of the service chosen. The purchase price of the original service, less any earned fee and money paid to government entities, such as filing fees or taxes, or to other third parties with a role in processing your order, will be credited to your account. You can use the balance credit for any of our other service.

Standard Pricing has set a standard pricing policy for various services and client of every category can opt for a service according to their business requirements. The basic pricing structure provided on the Website/Emails are base prices. The prices are subject to change with respect to territorial jurisdiction of a state/ country, kind and number of services availed by the client. We reserve the right to change the prices as quoted on our website at any given point of time but this will not affect contracts that have previously come into force. The standard pricing policy is not applicable for an increase in the total fee paid by the client to us due to increase in government fee or fee incurred by the client for completion of legal documentation or re-filing of forms with the government due to rejection or resubmission. We are not responsible or liable for any other cost incurred by the client related to the completion of the service. It is possible that prices on the website may be incorrectly quoted; accordingly, we will verify prices as part of our sale procedures so that the correct price will be notified to you before the contract comes into force.

Factors Outside our Control

We cannot guarantee the results or outcome of your particular procedure. For instance, the government may change the policy for legal reasons beyond the scope of our service. In some cases, a government backlog or problems with the government platforms can lead to long delays before your process is complete. Problems like these are beyond our control and are not covered by this guarantee or eligible for refund. Hence, delay in processing of your order by these factors cannot be a reason for refund.

Force Majeure

As a condition of your use of the Website, you warrant to us that you will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices. You may not use the Website in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Site or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of the Website. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Site.

Cancellation Fee

Since we’re incurring costs and dedicating time, manpower, technology resources and effort to your service or document preparation, our guarantee only covers satisfaction issues caused – not changes to your situation or your state of mind. In case you require us to hold the processing of a service, we will hold the fee paid on your account until you are ready to commence the service.

Before processing any refund, we reserve the right to make best effort to complete the service. In case, you are not satisfied with the service, a cancellation fee of 25% + earned fee + fee paid to government would be applicable. In case of change of service, the cancellation fee would not be applicable.